Dust In The Wind: 10 Gritty Dust Warning Signs

Howdy Pardoner

What’s the air Quality Inn here, you ask? Can we Econolodge a complaint? No, no we can’t, because this former Econolodge and its kitschy Googie architecture were knocked down back in ’07 and replaced by a thoroughly modern McMansion-esque Quality Inn. And no, we’re not crying, it’s just a little dusty inn here. (dust warning sign image via Bill Rogers)

More Like AsWORSTos

Welcome to Australia, the magical Land Down Under where, if the fauna and flora don’t kill you right away, the air will do the job eventually. That’s right, the air itself is poisonous.. in not-so-wonderful Wittenoom! This scenic er, carcinogenic locale in Western Australia was the site of an active open pit Blue Asbestos mine from 1947 through 1966. In related news, someone thought an open pit asbestos mine was a good idea. Ever heard the song “Blue Sky Mine” by Midnight Oil? Here’s its inspiration – and if you know what’s good for you, NO respiration. (dust warning sign image via Michael Theis)

Cold Dust?

Looks like someone has an ulterior locomotive. Seriously though, aren’t they missing the obvious here? We get that coal dust, soot and cinders can be hazardous but anyone’s who’s ever mishandled a whistling tea kettle knows that scalding steam is more than just a lot of hot air. (dust warning sign image via Vilseskogen)

Do Not Dusturb

Oh those nutty Burning Man fans, what will they think of next? Covering the black rocks of the, ahem, Black Rock Desert with a rippled layer of dusty dune sands, for one thing, to conduct a spurious “scientific dust test” that demands the dust remain undisturbed. There’s just one problem: the wind can’t read. (dust warning sign image via Morgan)

The Nitty Gritty on Namibia

Speaking of wind disturbances and the consequences of such, welcome to Namibia! Here’s where you’ll see informative warning signs that graphically alert drivers to the dangers of WIND and SAND – an unwelcome combination, to be sure.

The signs aren’t placed together, however, which begs the question: which came first, the WIND or the SAND? Followed by the inevitable complaint, “Mom, the wind blew sand onto my sandwich!” (dust warning sign images via Sonse)

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes? Check out The Burn Identity: 10 Smokin’ Hot Smoking Area Signs!

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