Cigarette Service: 12 More Nifty No Smoking Signs

Coffin Nailed It

Sure, smoking is bad for you but must we be so graphic in stating that fact? We’ll cut the Kenyan sign-maker some slack in this case as they’ve set the traditional skull & crossbones warning against a pretty-in-pink background and, they’ve given the skull a subtle but sweet smile. (image via Erik (HASH) Hersman)


The ancient city of Leh, located in India’s Union Territory of Ladakh and bordering Tibet, isn’t the first place one would expect to see a snarky No Smoking sign but here we are… and we’d better not be smoking! Want “Tibet” the sign is merely an example of clever wordplay? Smoke around and find out! (image via Sistak)

Filter Tripped

Can you walk and smoke at the same time? Not in Japan, you can’t – and don’t even think about trying this in Singapore (with added gum). Gotta love this No Smoking sign and its studied cuteness that takes the edge off the “do not” part of the message. That said, it’s actually not a good idea to smoke and walk if you’re walking with your hands in your packets… OUCH! (image via TheLordMayor)

Pipe Dream

The No Smoking sign above is located on the Croatian island of Lokrum, just off the shore from the picturesque city of Dubrovnik. Island life isn’t for everyone, however, although in this case “everyone” means Sherlock Holmes reenactors in particular. Deerstalker caps are still OK, at least at press time. (image via jelm6)

Sherlocked Out

Professor Moriarty has had his revenge at last! The above tableau from Baker Street station on the London, UK tube line is especially egregious, as anyone can see… perhaps the irony isn’t “detectable” by municipal transportation authorities. If only there was someone known for solving mysteries who could help them out? (image via themostinept)

Smokin’ Hot!

Say goodbye to the stereoptypical post-coital cigarette now that someone in the Department of No Fun has gotten involved. You’ll have to get that healthy glow some other way now, what a drag – er, make that “too bad, so sad.” (image via Daniel Ng)

Think smoking is as bad as it gets? There are worse addictions out there. Check out Needless Needles: 10 International Syringe Disposal Boxes! 

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