Germ School: 7 Amazing Amusing Biohazard Signs

These real weird real-world biohazard warning signs might be the germ offensive we need to fight the contamination conflagration sparking so much consternation.

Bins There, Done That

Only two of the four medical sample drop-boxes above sport the somewhat scary biohazard logo but make no mistake: whatever gets dropped in, you do NOT want to drop out. There are subtle variations that serve to distinguish one box from another, aside from the internationally recognized biohazard symbol that was developed in 1966 by Dow Chemical.

We’re zooming in on the far-left-hand bin from Sunrise Medical Laboratories due to the curious legend “Contains No Money Or Drugs”. One wonders, were people stealing these boxes because they thought they contained money or drugs? And if so, how many ended up like Toxic Waste Guy from the original RoboCop flick? (images via Anthony Easton)

Hazmat Infant

“Biohazard” doesn’t even begin to describe the er, output from an outwardly healthy, vigorous newborn like lovely Laurel here. That said, “Changing her at UCSF (University of California, San Francisco) always carries the extra amusement of using those bio-sample bags for the used diaper,” according to the moppet’s proud mom. (image via moppet65535)

De Scent Of Man

As all parents know, those sweet & cuddly babes in arms all too soon grow up into somewhat less cuddly college students yet one thing stays constant, as the above laundry bag disturbingly declares. At least there aren’t any dirty diapers within, right? RIGHT?? Having attended college at one time, we unfortunately cannot answer that question with any kind of certainty. (image via youngthousands)

Need MORE biological hazards in your life? Check out Critical Mask: COVID-19 Graffiti Goes Viral!

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