Not many creatures dare to get too close to the face of a crocodile, but butterflies and bees have an…
Fight colony collapse disorder in your own backyard with open-source beehive designs that you can download and build yourself. The…
Could bees tell from the smell of your breath whether you have cancer? That sounds like an absurd question, but…
Sculptural structures built specifically to host beneficial insects are a cool addition to any garden, and can help maintain a…
As Colony Collapse Disorder, mites and other threats to the world’s honeybee population incite worries about how agriculture might be…
Beehives don’t have to be boring wooden boxes; they can be skyscrapers, stackable units in bright colors, or even displays…
Backyard beekeeping has never been more streamlined than this. ‘To-Bee’ is a compact beekeeping setup specifically designed for urban and…