A single jellyfish-inspired floating modular greenhouse can provide enough food for two families, or join together with additional modular platforms…
Polar Bear Swims are all in a day's work for polar bears but how to explain the popularity of these…
An ugly concrete overpass stretching over a roadway with car dealerships on either side isn’t exactly the most likely setting…
Trying to wrap your head around the amount of trash that’s currently floating in the world’s oceans is no easy…
The Aurora Australis or “Southern Lights” may be less known but they're just as beautiful as their counterpart, the northern…
If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to be attacked by great white sharks, here’s your chance to find…
The world’s first self-assembling robot flash mob took place at Harvard University, with 1,024 tiny robots coming together into a…
The phrase ‘out of thin air’ connotes something invisible and immaterial, something that’s sensed but not seen. We can discuss…
What lasting effects can be seen on the environment decades after a nuclear disaster? We’re only just beginning to find…
A catfish with four rows of nightmarish teeth is among the three new fish species discovered in India, Colombia and…