Animal rights’ activists fight the abuse, neglect, mistreatment and torture of animals on many fronts. The monumental battles to stop…
When an issue really matters, activists and environmental groups go a long way to get the message out and the…
The draw of Earthships isn’t solely their looks; these DIY palaces of green living are driven by eco-tech and steered…
When you imagine an island nation or floating city, you probably conjure up images of a peaceful, breathtakingly beautiful paradise…
When most people think about completely self-sustainable living, luxury is probably the last thing to come to mind, and if…
Steel shipping containers outlive their usefulness as cargo carriers within 5 years, and they used to sit abandoned at shipyards…
Hollywood doomsday plots are dime-a-dozen, but more often than not the films feature extraordinary catastrophes like asteroid collisions, alien invasions…
If only the world of Willy Wonka were real, with skyscrapers made from caramels, chocolate rivers and cities built of…
Visiting tourist sites "off-the-grid" usually means trekking to a geographically remote area with your bug spray, anti-malaria meds, and pith…
With the recession in full force and a new drive to go green in everything, more and more architectural, autmobile…