Crack Down: 10 Chilling Thin Ice Warning Signs

Plus Mine Ice

Crack Down: 10 Chilling Thin Ice Warning Signs

The aforementioned sign reinforces the popular stereotype of politeness as a Canadian attribute, but we have to wonder… does this outward sociability conceal a darker side? Does it ever! Take the sign above, snapped on a hiking trail in Mississauga, Ontario’s Erindale Park, which looks like it was originally designed for a minefield. So watch out for thin ice and stay on the hiking trail, which apparently runs through a minefield. (thin ice warning sign image via Benny Lin)

Go ‘Yotes!

Crack Down: 10 Chilling Thin Ice Warning Signs

So you’re telling me this sign’s NOT located just outside the NHL Phoenix Coyotes’ practice rink? Maybe we’re supposed to use coyotes at our own risk while crossing iced-over grass? Didn’t so-called cartoon “Super Genius” Wile E fall through thin ice once or twice while pursuing his bleepin’ beep-beepin’ nemesis, the Road Runner? So many questions, so few answers. (thin ice warning sign image via Malcolm)

Fowl Played

Crack Down: 10 Chilling Thin Ice Warning Signs

This makes perfectly good sense: if you feed the geese, they’ll gain weight and fall through thin ice. As the old saying goes, it’s like killing two birds with one stone or in this case, using two signs to relay one warning. (thin ice warning sign image via Dan Keck)

Be Leaf Me

Crack Down: 10 Chilling Thin Ice Warning Signs

Well, at least one doesn’t need to worry about falling branches… that ship has sailed, my friends. The overly paranoid among us need some sort of real wintry hazard to angst over, however, so this small sign tacked to a serially chainsawed tree trunk should do the trick. (thin ice warning sign image via Kevan)

Wave Goodbye

Crack Down: 10 Chilling Thin Ice Warning Signs

You don’t have to speak Swedish to know that one does not simply skate over thin ice. This graphic er, graphic makes that pretty clear – clearer than the average set of IKEA assembly instructions, at least. Can IKEA please hire the graphic artist who penned this sign? It would save a lot of frustration, as well as helping customers figure out where all those extra screws are supposed to go. (thin ice warning sign image via ruminatrix)

Think you’re too thin for thin ice warning signs? Check out Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs!