Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs

Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs
A picture may be worth a thousand words but these stick figure warning signs indicate imminent environmental danger at any price and in any language.

No Fluke

Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs

What’s missing from the above sign? How ’bout some comic-style BAM!, KABOOM! And WHOMP! graphics to really drive the message home. And another thing: why does this sign only warn of whales surfacing AHEAD of your vessel? We don’t think whales can discern bows from sterns and… it’s right behind me, isn’t it? (images via Cyndy Sims Parr)

Wave Goodbye

Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs

The sea was angry that day, my friends – just look at those wicked claws and fangs! This really isn’t the wild surf we were expecting but yeah, welcome to sunny, sandy and serene (most of the time) Laguna Beach, CA. On the bright side, surfers can look forward to riding the mutha of all waves far, FAR inland when “Mutha” Nature finally decides she’s had enuff of our stuff. (image via debaird™)

Shed Ache

Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs

The avalanche is coming from… topside the house! While we appreciate the import of the message, both the graphics and the text fall short. For one thing, why is the stick figure dancing while a massive ice and snow dump is headed straight for its er, head. Secondly, the “KEEP OUT” term is misleading… keep out of what, the house? Isn’t that rather counterproductive? (image via Ruth Hartnup)

Fog Get Me Not

Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs

We have questions, so many questions… not unlike the confused stick figure on the sign above. For one thing, aren’t warning signs usually Safety Yellow? Never seen a pink warning sign but here we are – in (apparently) fogbound Brighton, UK. Speaking of which, we realize it’s a challenge to portray fog in minimalist graphic style but c’mon guys, the mystified stick figure looks like they’re being confronted by a wall of breasts and/or butts. That would explain the pink background, at least. (image via Jeremy Keith)

Enjoy Your Trip

Figure Fear: 10 Environmental Stick Figure Warning Signs

Could this be a seasonal sign? Cuz’ we can’t see any glaciers underfoot, overfoot or anywhere-in-sight-foot. Are we sure this is really Iceland? Doesn’t look very icy. One might expect a reverse-color reflection of the above warning sign to be posted somewhere in Greenland. (image via Jennifer Boyer)

Stick figures not quite stick-y enough for you? Check out Chews Me: 7 Jaw-Dropping Chewing Gum Alternatives!