Liquid Dated: 10 Wet, Wild & Worrisome Water Signs

Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface yet there are signs this life-sustaining liquid is in increasingly short supply. What are the signs? Where are the signs? Yes, there are signs. Here are some signs.

Spanish Flow

We will build a great aqueduct… and Mexico will pay for it! Yeah, good luck with that – the sign may read “Mexican Water” but not a single drop is either sourced from or sent to our neighbors in Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. That sounds unfair but it really isn’t: Mexican Water is an unincorporated Navajo Nation community in Apache County, Arizona, just south of The Copper State‘s northern border. (images at top via Quinn Dombrowski and above via Jimmy Emerson, DVM)

Weak Water

Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink… even more true today than it was in 1798, as expressed by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. “The World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages that threaten health and economies,” according to the photographer, “while 40 percent of the world – more than 2 billion people – have no access to clean water or sanitation.” Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of these signs. (image via woodleywonderworks)

Don’t Touch & Go

How “unfit” does water have to be for it to be designated “untouchable”? We’d ask the folks at the London Zoo, where this sign was posted, but they were rather er, cagey on the subject. With that said, one has to wonder why the sign illustrates a faucet dispensing non-drinkable water into a mug. (image via Elliott Brown)

Groin Pains

Really big sign or tiny little man? Why not er, neither! Either way, we’d like to advise anyone looking to fish, wade, swim or otherwise interact with water near John’s Pass and Treasure Island to seek out an accurate translation from Florida-ese before engaging in any of those activities. (image via Ludvigem)

Oregon Scalding

This very direct, no punches pulled warning sign should make it quite clear that the lake waters are close to the boiling point and bathers/swimmers should stay… well, just read the sign. Visitors really shouldn’t be too surprised, however: they don’t call this place Hot Lake fer nuthin’! (image via Mitchell Friedman)

Think water gets cooler, the cooler it gets? Check out Freezing Pleasing: 7 Amazing Types Of Natural Ice!

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