Lava, Hey! 10 Smokin’ Hot Volcano Warning Signs

Routes of All Evil

Mount Ranier hasn’t had a significant eruption since the early to mid nineteenth century but don’t be fooled – by no means is the mountain dormant. According to the USGS, “about 80,000 people and their homes are at risk in Mount Rainier’s lahar-hazard zones.” So, what to do when the peak inevitably erupts? Follow one of these handy-dandy Volcano Evacuation Route signs, of course! Hmm, which sign tho’… directly towards the volcano or away from it at a 90-degree angle? We’ll leave that for you (and Darwin) figure out. (image via formulanone)

Go With The Flow

Is this a trick question? You’re in Hawaii – the entire island chain is MADE OF LAVA! Aside from that, we’re at a loss to explain the above weirdly passive-aggressive warning sign. Y’know, those two blocks of black rock weighing the sign down are made of lava. Just sayin’. (image via Quinn Dombrowski)

The Signs Are Everywhere

The authorities overseeing tourism on Japan’s iconic Mount Fuji really want to ensure that hikers beware of falling rocks. They really can’t stress this enough… so they’ve placed multiple signs within view, stating exactly that. There are so many signs, in fact, that it’s likely a rock could fall upon you in the time it takes to read all those signs. In any case, by all appearances they’re ignoring another, much more obvious volcanic hazard: quicksand. (image via SteFou!)

Housing Market Peaks

Here at lovely and charming Volcano Fairway Estates, the floors really ARE lava! No wonder they’re NOW SELLING… but who’s buying? Sauron, perhaps? Maybe (apparently Republican) “Resident Realtor Ron Rigg (R)” has the answer; he’s certainly achieved his aim of alliteration. (image via Quinn Dombrowski)

Pumices Kept

Well, here it is: the simplest volcano warning sign you’ll read all day. No advice regarding specific threats (lahars, lava, toxic gas and more), no suggestions about what to do or not to do in case of eruption… what’s up with that? Wait, this is Yellowstone National Park, site of the ominous and infamous Yellowstone Caldera and nascent SUPERVOLCANO. Guess there’s really nothing else to say, except prepare to kiss your ash goodbye. (image via Steve Elliott)

Landscaping and lawn mowing not “green” enough for you? Check out Hot Property: Lava-ly Living At The Phoenix House!

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