It’s A Tidalist: 10 Wet & Wild Tsunami Warning Signs

Careful What You Wish For

“Do unto others as you would like them to do to you,” states the Golden Rule, but somehow we don’t think that applies to natural phenomena like tsunamis. In any case, how does one “be careful” to a tsunami? And if we’re not, do their feelings get hurt? There’s an ocean’s worth of salty tears just waiting to sweep your caring (or uncaring) carcass away.

Looks as though somebody took issue with the previous sign’s problematic wording, substituting “of” for “to”… well, we suppose “be careful OF tsunamis” is an improvement that won’t result in any offended waves. Still won’t help the one-legged boy in the photo above. (images via Anna Hanks and John Gillespie)

Monster Wave

With its rusty “eye” and hooked claws, this snow-white wave evokes childhood memories of the scary Bumble Snowman from the annual animated Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV special. Not that this is entirely bad: both monstrous waves and monstrous monsters should be warned about and escaped from. (image via KaMpErƎ & Le-tticia)

Pole Sitter

OK, so the tsunami’s coming and the standard advice is to escape to higher ground, got it. In this case, however, the higher ground is apparently the top of the sign. They’re not wrong… if it’s a tall enough sign AND there’s only one of you. (image via Rick Obst)

An Arrow Escape

A good warning sign should raise awareness of danger while providing simple advice for avoiding it. Then there’s the sign above, in which we see the wave coming one way and the evacuation route going the opposite way. Either that or there’s an underground tunnel we weren’t aware of. (image via troita_<><)

Turf & Surf

When your thirst demands a tidal wave of refreshment, escape to the Tsunami Bar & Grill in wonderful Wheeler, Oregon – wow, Oregon is like Tsunami Central, amiright? Anyway, popular review sites like Yelp and Foursquare state the restaurant has closed. Could the reason be… a tsunami? (image via Ben Brooks)

Like your jaw-dropping waves on the drier side? Check out Rock The Wave: A Sandstone Sea In Arizona!

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