Lawn Order: 10 Seedy ‘Keep Off The Grass’ Signs

Mown today, moan tomorrow – these “Keep Off The Grass” signs show that people still care about green issues, especially when it comes to their front lawns.

Shoes Yer Poison

OK, so civil authorities in Riga, Latvia don’t want folks trampling the tender grass in city parks – we get it. What we DON’T get is the local fashion, which seems to consist of too-short trousers and white clogs sporting an odd protuberance at the toe. Also, to whom does one report rules-breakers: a parks & rec ranger or the fashion police? (images at top and above via Anna Hanks)

And Your Little Dog Too!

It’s bad enough people are heedlessly crushing defenseless blades of grass; now they’ve taken their stompin’ steps of shame to the animal kingdom: won’t someone think of the poor puppies?? Oh wait, that sign means people and dogs should keep off the grass, not that people should keep off the dogs. Well, that’s completely different then. Never mind, move along, nothing to see here. (image via Matthew Hurst)

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

From the self-hating sign department comes this vertically-challenged warning sign. Perhaps people are taking pity on the poor conflicted placard, as the surrounding lawn looks tantalizingly green and is appears to be un-trampled. (image via Bart Everson)

Bless Your Sole

If you don’t leave your blessing and good care, you can’t have any grass’s up-growing. How can you have any grass’s up-growing if you don’t leave your blessing and good care? Paraphrased badly from Another Brick in the Great Wall, or something like that. (image via Steve Webel)

Secretive Garden

Is this a trick question er, sign? OK, sure, we’ll gladly keep off the grass… shouldn’t be too hard considering there’s very little actual grass to be found – crabgrass not included. Keeping off the dirt, trash and weeds, on the other hand; now THAT’S the real challenge. (image via dotpolka)

Keep off the grass or else… what? Check out Power Plants: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles!

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