Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs

Guilty As Charged

So can we assume it takes longer than 20 minutes to fully charge an EV? What happens if you’re gone for an hour and your ride’s battery registers “maximum” in say, 40 minutes? Wait, weren’t we told there would be no math? Blame it on those sneaky valets. (image via BeltLandia)

Real Green Energy

Something’s not right here: this looks like the terrifying Tree Scene from Poltergeist powering up for a reboot. The City of St Petersburg had better hope that tree never gets struck by lightning or… wait a sec, maybe that’s their entire nefarious plan in a nutshell! Walnut or Butternut shell, we can’t tell from this distance. (image via CityofStPete)

Charging vs Discharging

Guess this guy never heard the “don’t whiz on the electric fence” song from Ren & Stimpy but not unlike all those COVID-deniers in the ICU, he may wish he had read the room (and that sign) more closely before it was too late. This shameless lizard-draining dude would probably appear again later the same day, lighting up a cigarette while gassing up his car. Because any seriously smug Prius driver would never stoop to urinate in public. (image via 7CO)

Chain Lightning

Leave it to a savvy New Yorker to make the smooth move from Brooklyn Bridge sales into EV charging – plus, he enjoys a free aerobic workout with every customer! “I Tesla, my chawgin’ soivice is da bee’s knees, bub!” Hmm, wonder how long it takes to charge your average EV off an exercise bike? Does Elon know about this? (image via Jagz Mario)

Want to really stand out among the Priuses and Leafs at your local charging station? Check out Electric E-10: Chevy’s Powerful Plug-In Retro Pick-up!

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