Eclectic Avenue: 10 Weird Animal Crossing Signs

Fake Newts?

Nah, just some “alternative salamanders” who refuse to stay in their lane. So do slow down, drivers in San Mateo, CA, because newts have every right to cross the road in peace… even those whose last name is Gingrich. (image via sethoscope)

Free Woolly

Protip: when stopping your vehicle to allow a flock of sheep to cross, refrain from counting how many little lost lambs make it to the other side. Ewe just might doze off and get rammed before someone honks their horn. (image via Antonio Fiol)

Think Pink

It’s been almost forty years since Flamingo Road faded to black but down in the Bahamas, the show must go on. Drivers in the New Providence area had better be prepared for a long wait once these graceful birds hit the road: it’s hard to move quickly when you’re standing on one leg. (image via Charles Pluta)

Ooh Beehive!

Beep-beep, honey I’m home! Y’know, we might not have such an issue with honeybees if the darned critters would avoid major thoroughfares and travel in straight lines, like the crow flies. At this rate, we’ll be seeing “Crow Crossing” signs. (image via David Goehring)

Beasts From The East

Driving in southern Japan is quite the adventure, what with various types of “large animals” snarling traffic when they’re not actually snarling per se. One wonders exactly what creatures they’re warning us about: vengeful whales, Godzilla, and cross-eyed cows come to mind. Hat’s right, cross-eyed cows, like the one on the sign. No wonder they’re always out of their pasture. (image via Nissan Motor Co,. Ltd.)

Wonder how other parts of the world discourage careless littering? Check out Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs!

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