Koalified: 7 Amazing Australian Animal Crossing Signs

Womp Womp Wombat

Ahh, the noble wombat… not to be confused with the numbat (another small marsupial not known for crossing roads) or the dingbat (Edith Bunker, wife of Archie). Perhaps the wombat’s most notable claim to fame is its ability to produce cubic scat… yep, its poop is square! Until you’re able to match that feat, we advise you to show some respect and slow the heck down. (image via Flickr member bato93)

You Lyre!

Another day, another Australian bird causing a flap by refusing to flap its way from one place to another. OK, we’ll give emus a pass but lyrebirds actually can fly… they just don’t like to. Oh, and please don’t curse when one of these peacock-like creatures saunters across the street: they’re one of nature’s most accomplished mimics and you might just get an earful in return. (image via Flickr member Matthew Paul Argall)

Coots Like a Knife

Never heard of a bandicoot? You’re not alone. Like the sign says, they’re “endangered” and thus difficult to find. Just slow down (also like the sign says) so you’re (a) not part of the problem and (b) won’t have to extricate one of these rat-like marsupials from your vehicle’s grill. (image via Flickr member Greg Schechter)

Have You Herd?

Our bonus Aussie animal crossing sign hails from Sydney, home to roughly 5.2 million people… and apparently a small number of zebras. The latter appear to have acclimated themselves to urban life to the extent that specific signage assists their pedestrian pursuits. Either that, or… the sign advises of a recently installed “crosswalk”. Hey, we can still dream, can’t we? (image via Flickr member Mike)

Enjoy foreign signage with or without a filter? Check out Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs!

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