Sipping Point: CHEW Redefines The Reuseable Straw

The CHEW reuseable straw comes in a recycled plastic case designed to spin-dry the slim sipper, keeping it clean, dry, and primed for your next beverage.

It’s a Slam Drunk

Disposable straws (actually, disposable ANYTHING) are way uncool these days but simple, affordable and practical solutions have been hard to come by. That may be about to change, thanks to a new, not-clunky but definitely funky personal straw called CHEW.

Biting the Bullet

The CHEW reuseable straw began as a grass-roots project not backed by any corporate investment. That might have been problematic but for the fact that eco-conscious initiatives have historically enjoyed strong support from end users who believe in – and tend to actually use – these types of products. Reaching this group through crowd-funding was the obvious way to go.

Sip from the Hip

And go they did: a Kickstarter campaign was launched with the stated goal of $10,000 to get the ball rolling, or should we say, get the straw sucking. Hmm, not the greatest analogy perhaps – backers seem to think CHEW doesn’t suck at all, and they’ve put their money where their mouths are! At press time almost 600 backers have pledged a whopping $30,577… approximately 150-percent of the original goal. Looks like CHEW is a go, so chew on that if you will!

Gotta thirst for guilt-free guzzling? Check out Cans Do: Wildlife Enjoy Edible Six-Pack Rings!

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