Dumpster Divine: 7 Distinctly Decorated Dumpsters

Cleaning Up Clowntown

Killer klowns, pedo priests, and… why not both? Flickr member Ana Gremard posted the above, slightly creepy photo of a red-nosed reverend painted on the side of a bright blue Los Angeles dumpster in June of 2011. We must confess, IT isn’t exactly the critical mass we were looking for.

Key Bored

OK, so an accordionist with the local orchestra was invited to his parents’ house for dinner one night, and he planned to drive straight over after rehearsal. He parked his car out front leaving his instrument in the back seat but as his mother was serving dessert, it suddenly came to him that he’d forgotten to lock the car doors. Running outside in a near-panic, he got to his car… his worst fears had been realized! Someone had got into his car and left two more accordions in the back seat. Could the same thing happen to the dumpster above? We’re not sure why the bin has a giant image of a keyboard on its side but whomever owns it is asking for trouble – or accordions, as the case may be. Flickr member Incase snapped this erstwhile band camp depository at the SXSW music festival in March of 2012.

Obama Bin, Laden

No, you won’t find the above dumpster parked in back of The White House – Flickr member quite peculiar espied this most presidential trash bin in Orlando, Florida back in March of 2009. Let’s “HOPE” we didn’t give the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue any ideas.

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