Hideaway: Tiny Green Home Makes The Un-Scene

‘Disappear Retreat’, an ultramodern self-sufficient house designed by Carly Coulson, maximizes sustainable features while minimizing energy consumption.

Advancing To Retreat

Imagine a greener-than-green tiny home that dissolves into its landscape… wouldn’t that be the ultimate eco hideaway? Architect Carly Coulson has not only imagined it, she’s transformed her dream into reality. Dubbed “Disappear Retreat”, this tiny (a mere 83-square-feet of living space) glass-covered house away from is camouflaged to blend into its surroundings. Not only does Disappear Retreat leave little visual impact, it also leaves a minimal carbon footprint on the environment via a zero energy, zero waste, and zero water design philosophy.

Back To A Greener Future

Coulson, through her eponymously-named architecture firm, has conjured-up a minimalist, self-sufficient, tiny (but cozy) house to be a classic retreat where occupants can temporarily escape the daily grind, rejuvenate their minds, and jump-start their creativity. It’s much more than a pie-in-the-sky artwork, however, as the high-performance enclosure achieves the internationally-accepted Passive House Standard. Coulson also intends to pursue a Living Building Challenge certification so that Disappear Retreat can meet home construction’s two most rigorous environmental targets.

Home & Away

The building’s entire design is focused on maximizing sustainable living features while reducing energy consumption. It all begins with triple-pane insulated glass walls rated R-32. The outside surfaces are reflective, inducing a mirror-like effect that allows the entire unit to “disappear” into the surrounding landscape – any landscape, anywhere. Disappear Retreat’s ability to virtually vanish into the landscape provides occupants with the ultimate hideaway… in more ways than one.

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