No Kidding: Goat Yoga Is Happening


“I really envision having Goat Yoga retreats now and people can come from all over the world,” states Morse. “It really is a wonderful unique experience.” No doubt the goats are in agreement – no one hassles them and they’re free to graze at will. It’s a win-win for everyone and Morse saves on lawnmowing charges.

Is this just one more so-called “yoga craze”? Morse thinks not, having witnessed one participant who recently completed a round of chemo/radiation therapy who “bawled through the whole class” having found Goat Yoga to be a healing, wonderful experience.

So, is Goat Yoga for you… and is it worth taking the time to travel to Oregon to experience it for yourself? It’s not like you can rent a couple of goats and set up a session in your backyard. “It may sound silly but it’s really just about getting outside in nature with beautiful scenery and having animals around you,” sums up Morse. “Animals can really help humans with stress and illness or grief.” Well if that doesn’t get your goat, we don’t know what will. (images and info via

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