Home Sweet-Smelling Home: 14 Cats & Counting

As a general contractor AND a cat-lover, Cohen wanted to create an environment healthy for both cats and humans. The litter boxes aren’t hidden away in stuffy back areas, for example, instead they’ve been installed in ventilated closets designed to keep odors out of the house. You can bet the cats appreciate that as well. As for Cohen, he considers his cat-friendly home a work in progress. “We always have new catwalks on the drawing boards,” he says, “and will add them as time/money allow.”

As Cohen’s journey to cat-man coexistence has evolved, his interest in the welfare of neglected and rescued cats has grown stronger. “If I could ask people to donate to ResQcats (a Santa Barbara-based kitten rescue and cat adoption agency) , that would be awesome.” states Cohen. “They are a local private shelter that we have adopted from many times. They try to assist the cats/kittens that need the most help and go to great lengths to get the medical care they need. Helping them pay for that work would be great.” As someone whose spent much time and money making his world agreeable to both cats and people, Cohen’s request deserves plenty of consideration. (all images via Lepere Studios and © 2015 WENN Ltd.)

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