Electronics Plant Ditches Disks, Pitches Lettuce

One of the main benefits of hydroponic farming is that eliminating soil tends to minimize the growth of bacterial and viral pathogens that can damage the produce. In fact, such germ-free vegetables enjoy considerably extended shelf-life – a major selling point to Toshiba’s target market which includes supermarkets, convenience stores, delicatessens and restaurants. This attribute in particular will allow Toshiba to sell the factory’s produce at premium prices; a big boost to the company’s bottom line.

Though the Toshiba Clean Room Farm Yokosuka boasts a total floor area of approximately 1,969 square meters (almost 70,000 square feet), keep in mind the factory’s produce is grown on racks that vertically optimize floor area into the third dimension. In addition, plans are afoot to expand the product line to include “higher value-added vegetables,” and specialty herbs such as basil, cilantro, dill, lemon balm, and spearmint. 

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