Car Creatures: Artist Makes Recycled Art from Hubcaps

 Looking at these incredible animal sculptures, you’d never guess that they’re made almost entirely from salvaged hubcaps. Brighton, UK-based artist Ptolemy Erlington gathers this ‘trash’ from roadsides and junkyards, transforming it into recycled art that really captures each creature in a dynamic way.

The artist works full-time in his studio fixing these reclaimed hunks of metal together using wire that’s also salvaged from scrapyards. He uses hubcaps of all grades, from Ford to Mercedes.

Cutting them with a craft knife and hacksaw, Erlington crafts them into dogs, owls, fish, birds and even snakes.

Showing his work all over the UK and in Europe, Erlington specializes in recycled materials “with a regenerative eco aware theme inherent in his work.”

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