Jumping Brains: The Smartest Frogs In The Room

The Jumping Brain frog from visual artist Emilio Garcia has made the leap from creepy/cute concept design to a neuro-urban merchandising phenomenon.

A Reason For Resin

Born near Barcelona in 1981, Emilio Garcia left a successful multimedia career to start Secret Lapo Laboratories, a private and self-run artistic space where Garcia could experiment with plastic resins unhindered by distraction.

Croak Of Dawn

Garcia’s first major success was the Jumping Brain, a curious and somewhat disturbing (to some) sculpture that melded the unique and subtle convolutions of the human cerebral cortex with the familiar resting posture of a frog.

Leap Of The Imagination

Certainly the world had seen nothing like the Jumping Brain before, and Garcia’s initial models became an overnight sensation bolstered by widespread viral sharing over the internet.

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