Garden Variety No More: 7 Amazing Unusual Rakes

Zen Garden Rake

(image via: Oregon State University)

A salient feature of classic Japanese temple gardens is the sculpted sand “sea” that surrounds the studiously trimmed shrubbery and strategically-placed rocks. Meant to evoke the rippling waves of the eternal ocean, the parallel ridges and troughs are impressed upon the passive sand by one or more specialized rakes refined over centuries of trial and error.

Olive Rake

Hey, we were just kidding about raking the forests but olive farmers are on a whole ‘nother level – they take that stuff seriously, and take no prisoners when it comes to “clawing” every ripe olive off of every olive orchard denizen’s branch. We’ll drink (a martini) to that!

(images via: Brendan Purdy)

Mock the above gent’s tool of the trade at your peril – dude’s armed and dangerous, at least to olives. We’d make a “well-oiled machine” reference here but it would have to be lubricated with EVOO… Rachel Ray wouldn’t have it any other way.

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