Up To Our Ears: 7 Amazing Artistic Corn Mazes

Goughan’s Corn Maze, Caribou ME

(image via: Visions Of Earth)

Corn mazes are big, yeah yeah yeah. They’re not small, no no no! Take Goughan’s Corn Maze in Caribou, Maine, which is large enough to be photographed from space. The image above comes courtesy of the GeoEye-1 (formerly OrbView-5) satellite, the world’s highest resolution commercial earth-imaging satellite, which orbits the Earth at an altitude of 681 km (423 miles). The maze as shown above dates from September of 2012 and depicts a Freedom Eagle resting atop the Liberty Bell in honor of the United States’ Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

(images via: Bangor Daily News and BDN Aroostook)

Mark Goughan of Goughan’s Berry Farm has been carving elaborate mazes into his cornfield for 9 years with last year’s pattern depicting the Liberty Bell and a Freedom Eagle on top in honor of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In 2011 Goughan’s celebrated the University of Maine Black Bears and this year the theme turns to humor with a moose riding a snowmobile.

NASA’s Space Farm 7

Keeping our eyes on the skies, in 2011 NASA partnered with seven farms across the country in celebration of the 50th anniversary of America’s first man in space. Collectively known as Space Farm 7, the project saw space-themed corn mazes springing up from California through Texas, Nebraska, New York and more. The maze above features an Atlas rocket booster topped by Alan Shepard’s “Freedom 7” Mercury capsule appearing to lift off from the Belvedere Plantation in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

(images via: Techworld, IBTimes and C/net)

The Space Farm 7 corn mazes above were created at (from the top down) Cornbelly’s in Lehi, Utah, Vala’s Pumpkin Patch in Gretna, Nebraska, and Dewberry Farm in Brookshire, Texas. Besides giving inspiration, NASA provided education and outreach materials at each of the 7 corn mazes so that visitors could learn more about NASA’s past, present and future.

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