Cagey Kitty: 7 Safe & Secure Outdoor Cat Enclosures

Emerald City for Aussie Kitties

(images via: Cats Of Australia)

“That’s not a cat enclosure, THIS is a cat enclosure,” Crocodile Hunter Mick Dundee might say when showing off this truly exceptional enclosed outdoor cat run. Designed by Jeanette and Murray Philip of Britz British Shorthairs, the enclosure features a fish pond stocked with goldfish, rock-lined tunnels, a wooden spiral staircase and a swinging bridge. Meow, mate!

(images via: Cats Of Australia)

Cleanups are a breeze thanks to the kitty litter tray placed out-of-human-sight inside a cave under the waterfall… you heard correctly, this cat enclosure includes a waterfall. It all seems a bit too rich for cats to enjoy alone so some accommodations have been made for people, such as a double bench, a polycarbonate roof and a wealth of cat-friendly tropical plants.

I Am The Wall Wrap

(image via: Rocketnews24 and Nekomemo)

A Japanese cat-owner with mad bookshelf-making skills and a near-paranoid concern for the safety of his/her cats radically modified their home’s exterior to make their pets’ lives safer, securer and much more interesting. Note how the many interconnected cages rise and fall in staggered levels, providing access, ingress and egress through assorted windows. Put enough cats in the run and the homeowner’s home insulation costs are bound to fall… along with their property values. Win some, lose some!

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