14 Relaxingly Beautiful and Productive Urban Rooftop Gardens

Faux Miniature Garden, Hong Kong

(image via: pinboke_planet)

Edited with a tilt-shift technique, which makes the subject look like a miniature even when it’s not, this image captures a beautiful private rooftop garden in Hong Kong.

Barkley Rooftop, Kansas City

(image via: average jane)

The Barkley advertising building in Kansas City, Missouri features a beautiful rooftop garden that reduces storm water runoff by as much as 50% and lowers temperatures by up to 25%, saving on energy costs.

MIT Rooftop, Cambridge, Massachusetts

(image via: freakapotimus)

Two garages at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are now topped with 55 rooftop garden plots tended by 32 community members. Each plot consists of an ‘EarthBox’, a compact and efficient growing container about the size of a large suitcase. There’s also a garden on top of the Cambridge Center, which features more conventional landscaping including grass, paved paths and benches.

Scenic Garden in Sicily, Italy

(image via: perhapstoopink)

Everything about this photo, from the greenery to the Sicilian landscape to that shaded bed, shouts ‘relaxation’ (with an Italian accent.) It’s the rooftop of the Palazzo Hedone, a historic 18th-century residence that has been converted into a luxury boutique villa available for private rentals.

Unidentified Rooftop Garden in Washington, DC

(image via: spectacles)

Located somewhere in the nation’s capital, this unidentified rooftop garden’s orderly rows seem to indicate that it’s growing food.

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