Bird Collars, Moose Hats & More: 17 Wild Fashions

Inspiration from the animal kingdom can come to fashion in the wildest and most unexpected ways. Sometimes it’s subtle: a cue taken from the shimmer of a butterfly’s wing, or protrusions that recall the fins of fish. At other times, it’s almost comically bold and literal: hats made of hair in the shape of moose heads, or shoes that look like killer whales. These 17 animal-inspired fashions bring together biomimicry, a desire to raise awareness about the natural world and a simple love for creatures of all kinds.

The Ocean Series – Shoes by Kobi Levi

(images via:

Israeli designer Kobi Levi has created some killer footwear in the form of ocean-inspired heels shaped like sharks and orcas. ‘The Ocean Series’ mini-collection features both men and women’s shoes in unmistakeable colors and patterns, and details like shark teeth cut-outs on the heels.

Snake Legwear & Bird Collars by Camille Cortet

(images via: camille cortet)

Camille Cortet, a French designer based in Amsterdam, takes the bulk of her inspiration from nature, and it shows in a series of incredible high-fashion designs capturing bird feathers and snake scales. The Transformations project takes a look at the way animals can change their feathers, skin or behavior when they’re trying to lure in a mate. Studies of molting snakes led to amazing textured laser-cut leggings that adapt to the shape of the body. The Bird&Seduction accessory collection is a set of wearable, sculptural collars made of textiles and coated paper. The collars can be quickly and easily manipulated to lay flat, or stand up in a proud and eye-catching display.

Animal-Inspired Hair Hats by Nagi Noda

(images via: nagi noda)

Would you wear a hat made of human hair? How about a hair hat that’s shaped like an animal? Nagi Noda’s highly unusual headpieces are actually made of hair from salons that would otherwise have gone to landfills. They’re shaped like a variety of animals including poodles, rabbits, bears, elephants, rhinos and moose.

Reptile Fashion by Stefanie Nieuwhenhuyse

(images via: stefanie nieuwhenhuyse behance)

Reptile scales gave designer Stefanie Nieuwhenhuyse a brilliant idea for bodices, dresses and other garments. Using raw natural materials – wood chips left over from a manufacturing process – the fashion designer cut triangles, diamonds and hexagons and fit them together into wearable sculptures that perfectly capture the essence of her inspiration.

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