Jim Denevan’s Sand Art: Naturally Epic-Scale Landscapes

Jim Denevan is an artist who turned the typical beach stroll into a gallery-worthy exhibition of gigantic, intricate art. Jim swoops in when the tide is low and leaves behind gorgeous patterns and designs that can only be truly appreciated from a bird’s eye view. The temporary nature of these works are a large part of the appeal.

(Images via artculturelifeinlomo)

Jim Denevan makes epic art pieces using natural materials and an eye for aesthetics and the flow of the land. Dragging rakes and large sticks, he carefully works on every small detail, so that a distant view will bring every small action into something giant and beautiful.

(Images via jimdenevan, surfgawker, jimdenevan)

Jim has to be speedy by necessity, as he works with the constant threat of the slowly encroaching tide or natural elements. He completes his work in enough isolation that there’s little doubt many of his greatest pieces have never been seen in person by another soul, though thankfully he captures them on camera.

(Images via asweweresaying, thelateststory)

The true scope of Jim’s work can only be grasped by zooming out. The size makes the typical crop circle seem like child’s play. The most amazing aspect is how well Jim maintains the dimensions of his designs without being able to see the big picture.

(Images via karenblackerby, todayandtomorrow, creativetempest, cardboardmonocle)

Jim Denevan’s patters are geometrically simple, yet still manage to be interesting. It would be surreal walking through an art piece this large, struggling to discover the full scope of the work.

(Images via cohabitaire, theanthropologist)

The Anthropologist commissioned a piece so large on Lake Baikal in Siberia, that he had to bring an entire crew to help create his vision. When Jim’s crew was finished, they had created the largest work of art in the world.

(Images via asecondglance, weheartit)

Jim Denevan uses impermanence as his stock and trade. He relishes the elements and tides, and rather than wail against the inevitable end of his work, he relishes it. There’s no doubt that more people relating to nature like Jim Donevan would result in a much healthier environment.

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