Why would a flourishing civilization, advanced for its time, suddenly cease to exist, its inhabitants gone and its architecture abandoned?…
Once upon a time, there was a star made famous by Christian tradition. The Star of Bethlehem, also called the…
It's estimated that 99.9 percent of all the species that ever lived, have gone extinct - all part of the…
Earth's ocean depths are often referred to as the planet's last great unexplored frontier. Blacker than the darkest night, crushed…
Will wonders never cease? Probably not, Mother Earth has had 5 billion years to sculpt herself into spectacular splendor and…
There are many unlikely animal pairings in the world, but some of the most uncanny ones involve birds. Wait, what?…
Sailing stones, fire rainbows, red tides and blue holes … were just the beginning. Imagine sidestepping a house-sized hole in…