It juts out of the landscape and into the clouds, covered in grass, butterflies flitting about – but it’s no…
“In a hole in a ground lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of…
What’s greener than the highest possible LEED-certified building? A ‘Living Building’. The new Living Building Certification is said to surpass…
Green roofs are now a common sight on residential, commercial and public architecture around the world, but who knew that…
The economy has brought development to a grinding halt in cities around the world, leaving partially completed skyscrapers and other…
All over the world, they stand in silent memorial to the pre-2008 construction boom: giant gaping pits that were supposed…
First, it was a failed urban reservoir, closed after just twenty years due to its weak flow of less-than-sparkling water. …
In the 21st century, humans are increasingly on the move, traveling across the globe and perhaps, sometime in the future,…
Whether it’s adventure or necessity that ultimately propels us to venture beyond our shores and build new communities in the…