Looking like something out of a fantasy film, headless robotic mules gallop through fields with no human masters in sight,…
While this incredible octopus won’t actually be going underwater like its robotic oceanic brethren, it looks amazing – and it…
Inspiration from the animal kingdom can come to fashion in the wildest and most unexpected ways. Sometimes it’s subtle: a…
Bees are an essential part of the natural world, helping to pollinate plants so that we can not only enjoy…
Where would we be without trees? They’re such an important part of the natural world, it’s no surprise that trees…
When engineers turn to nature for inspiration, they rely upon the wisdom of millions of years of evolution to guide…
Who would have thought that a fish with a rectangular body could inspire a car, that compounds in algae could…
Sometimes, nature can influence design in the most unexpected ways. Would you ever think of looking to a calla lily…
Surveillance cameras flap their wings in the sky just like birds and bats. Tiny little hairs on gecko feet help…
Buzzing, flapping, flying and crawling, insects and arachnids of all shapes and sizes surround us day and night in numbers…