Pure as the driven snow? That depends where one's been driving. Though most typically white, snow can take on a…
(Image via: NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratories) The planet has a fever – and how we cool it down is…
Imagine going blind, and having your sight restored using your own tooth – or putting on a helmet that allows…
(Image via: Matt McGee) Our relationship to ultraviolet light is an environmental pickle. On the one hand, Westerners chase that…
OLEDs are like a new type of magical material, self-illuminating and eco-friendly. They are organic and work in a way…
Albinism is one of the few visible genetic "aberrations" humans share with other animals. This distinctive lack of pigment, along…
If you were asked to name a truly wonderful British film, chances are it was filmed at Pinewood Studios. Its…
Few things are more powerful yet less permanent than lightning... well, not exactly. Fulgurites, or "petrified lightning", are the glassy…
(Image via: Inhabitat) As world-savingly admirable as wind turbines are…well, they kinda stick out. Putting aside the question of whether…
(Images via: Twighlight Earth, EC Morgan, Fotopedia, Viral Nerd) As the days shorten and the weather gets colder, it’s easy…