After taking a look at meteors, it seems only fitting to acknowledge their more colorful astral kindred, comets. Much more…
We call them shooting stars; we make wishes when we see them and we blame both good and bad luck…
Earlier, we took a look at some notably gorgeous natural caves. Here we take a look at what happens when…
Even sources of clean energy can get dirty when they sit around for ten, twenty or fifty years. And when…
Wouldn’t you love to be king of a Caribbean island? Whether you’ve got islomania – a strong attraction to islands…
Truth is stranger than fiction, they say, and nowhere is this more true than in the natural world. Symbiotic pairs,…
There are many unlikely animal pairings in the world, but some of the most uncanny ones involve birds. Wait, what?…
Sorry guys: female sexual cannibalism is far more common than male. In some species, males provide the single biggest food…
Sailing stones, fire rainbows, red tides and blue holes … were just the beginning. Imagine sidestepping a house-sized hole in…
From giant salamanders as large as a man, to fish that turn inside out, to bladder-infesting sea creatures, the world…