Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Zoo visitors should read & heed these signs so the captive creatures on the inside don’t start looking like the junk food junkies roaming free on the outside.

Dino Might

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

As in, “that dino might eat you!” Thanks for that graphic warning, Brookfield Zoo, and thanks also for the above advisory apparently intended for dinosaurs who like to play with their food. Hmm, just HOW alive are the stars of this “Dinosaurs Alive!” exhibition, anyway? (images via swimfinfan)

Shades of Graze

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Let’s just state right off the top that this sign is meant for zoo visitors, NOT zoo staff. The two suspiciously thin zebras sheltering behind the above sign approve of this message… and wonder where the heck their hay is already. (image via piX dust)


Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Crocodilians are ground-hugging critters so why is this “DO NOT FEED ALLIGATOR” sign nailed so high off the ground? Well, if you were a hungry alligator and you wanted to distract the attention of a tasty manimal, where would YOU nail the sign? (image via eyecmore)

We All Scream

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Sorry generic zoo denizen, you’ll get my kid’s ice cream cone when you pry it out of their cold, de- er, let’s not give anyone (or anything) any ideas. And by the way, has the Auckland Zoo been having issues with visitors feeding the animals ice cream? Like, before dinner? That’s a no-no no matter what your species. (image via Samuel Mann)

Clean Sweep

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Don’t feed the animals… curling stones? Seems legit, or maybe not since this zoo happens to be in South America. Not sure just what that UFO-shaped “treat” could be, though, and we won’t even guess what the bizarre pointy-nosed creature being served is. Either way, just don’t feed it… anything… OK? (image via jazzlah)

Wonder what a well-fed (by staff) zoo animal might look like? Meet Shabani, Japan’s Most Handsome Gorilla!