Sick Burn: 7 Not So Hot ‘No Burning’ Signs

Signs of global warming and climate change are everywhere, as this smokin’ hot selection of ‘No Burning’ signs graphically, repeatedly and heatedly illustrates.

Gimme An N?

Sick Burn: 7 Not So Hot ‘No Burning’ Signs

Two Chinese signs, one with an English typo, but what kind of typo? Sure, you naturally assumed the first sign was missing an N because of the second sign (not to mention the lit match graphic) but look closer: the Chinese text is different on each sign. No Burying? That’s a little creepy. No Burping? That’s kinda personal. Could they actually have meant to say No Buring – and thus there’s no typo? But what is this “buring” of which they speak? Forget it Jake, it’s China… town. (images at top via Kyle Taylor and above via Chris Betcher)

Hot Tunes

Sick Burn: 7 Not So Hot ‘No Burning’ Signs

First they said No Stairway To Heaven and we said nothing. Now they’ve come for a classic rock ditty by Deep Purple. What’s next, No Hotel California and – actually, we’re OK with that, The Eagles being a somewhat polarizing band. In any case, someone better pass the word onto Homer Simpson before he gets arrested. (image via Lisa Brewster)

Recipe For Disaster

Sick Burn: 7 Not So Hot ‘No Burning’ Signs

Here’s another one of those bilingual No Burning signs yet confusion still reigns supreme, as the sign is posted inside a restaurant. This leaves a number of possible potential pyro perpetrators suspected by the management of being a rogue burner: the customers, the waiters, the busboys and the cooks. Then again, considering the potency of Szechuan cuisine we’ll assume excess heat just goes with the territory. (image via Christopher)

Don’t know if the future will be hot or “not”? Check out Last Warning: 12 Bizarre ‘Signs’ Of The Coming Apocalypse!