Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs

Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs
When ‘No Dumping’ signs are ignored, one human’s trash becomes another person’s, plant’s or animal’s problem.

Claws True Phobia

Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs

“Only rain, down the drain,” and not just on some Spanish plain… according to this nifty refrain! And while “San Francisco” may sound muy español, we assure you these stylish pavement-painted No Dumping signs are as American as apple pie. Or in this case, crab cakes. (images via Gideon Wright at top and Robert above)

Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, Never

Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs

“Whatever, I dump what I want” doesn’t go over well in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, no way whatsoever! Speaking of which, one might think “whatsoever” would be a better fit for the above sign (and others – this is no one-off typo) but here be hippie/hipster country so, like, whatever man! (image via Daniel Spils)

O The Umanity

Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs

So DUMPING is OK, technically speaking… DOMPING, on the other hand, is right out! Indeed, handmade signs have no monopoly on questionable grammar and/or spelling (see previous) but they do tend to be more er, mindboggling. And yeah, we’re not even gonna ask about the extra exclamation point – this sign is surprising enough with just one. (image via Jason Eppink)

Causes, Foiled Again!

Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs

Are you a suspicious illicit dumper? Are there any other kinds? It ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate one! That being said, this rather wordy No Dumping sign from NYC employs a bit of the ol’ carrot & stick to ensure the immediate area remains free of dumped debris. In any case, no one wants to be “caused with bad fortune”, whatever that means… besides having to live in NYC and all. (image via Cory Doctorow)

Never On A Sundae

Dump Luck: 10 Indispensable ‘No Dumping’ Signs

Presumably suffering flashbacks from attending repeated midnight showings of A Clockwork Orange, the photographer couldn’t help but notice the above sign posted outside a “Milking Parlor” is Solvay, upstate New York. But wait, there’s more! They also state this oddly disturbing No Dumping sign is located inside the Cattle Building, right next to a “Hot Beef Sundae” (*shudder*) sign. Given the choice, we’ll gladly drink the milk and dump the meaty sundae. (image via Joe Shlabotnick)

Know who appreciates dumps? This guy right here. Check out Couch Pooh-Tato: Bear Sez ‘Sofa, So Good’!