Choose Wisely
Ever stopped to consider your life choices while on a smoking break? For that matter, have you ever considered your smoking choices in the midst of a life break? Either way, this presumably Russian smoking area suggests – indeed, INSISTS – that every choice you make is YOUR CHOICE. Just be prepared to face the consequences, comrade. (image via The Man-Machine)
Camel Lot
The decades-long push to lower the smoking rate has been tough on tobacco companies but hey – when life (or the attempt to extend it) gives you lemons, make lemonade! Such appears to be the case at Frankfurt Airport, where this smoking area is brought to you by the makers of Camel cigarettes – and ONLY Camel cigarettes. (image via Fabricio Zuardi)
It’s a smoking area sign, it’s a bench, it’s er… a great way to save money on benches and signs! Or is it – must’ve cost extra to drill all those itty-bitty holes AND add the superfluous quotes on the back of the bench. Makes you wonder “what” (but not “where”) the designers were smoking. (image via Esperluette)
Re Ember Me
So this “Designated Smoking Area” at San Jose Airport is about 20 feet from some gas mains with a sign reading “No Smoking within 10 feet”. Seems legit. Oh, and never mind the fact that there isn’t a butt disposal bin in the smoking area and the average distance a tossed or wind-blown smoldering butt can travel is, umm, y’know what? They bought their cigarettes, we say let ’em flick ash. (image via Steve Jurvetson)
Circle Of Life
When it comes to smoking areas, someone’s gotta draw a line in the sand… pavement, whatever. In any case, we’re confused and likely you are as well: is one allowed to smoke inside the yellow circle or outside? Either way, we’re guessing a little extra pollution isn’t going to impact this neighborhood’s “charm”. (image via Yun Huang Yong)
Do you like butts and cannot lie? Check out Butt Ugly: Deep-Sea Assfish Is Aptly Named!