Don’t Tread In Me: 10 Nifty ‘No Swimming’ Signs

‘Swimming with the fishes‘ could be a self-fulfilling prophecy for those who fail to heed warnings graphically relayed by these No Swimming warning signs.

Dangerous & Armed

Don’t Tread In Me: 10 Nifty ‘No Swimming’ Signs

The kick is up and it’s… GOOD! Unfortunately for overheated members of the Dolphins, the Seahawks and possibly the Buccaneers there’s still no swimming allowed in the deep end, the shallow end or the defensive end. (images via Kevin Dooley at top and Corey Balazowich above)

Fangs For The Memories

Don’t Tread In Me: 10 Nifty ‘No Swimming’ Signs

If ever a sign needed a comma… but for the sake of argument we’ll just assume there are no swimming poisonous snakes in this here swimmin’ hole so come on in y’all, the water’s fine! With that said (and at the risk of sounding pedantic) let’s just note that plants and animals are considered poisonous if you fall ill from eating and/or touching them. Rattlers, vipers, cobras and other fanged snakes are venomous. Just sayin’. (image via Shane Hirschman)

Wheels Of Misfortune

Don’t Tread In Me: 10 Nifty ‘No Swimming’ Signs

Paddlewheels to the left of me, propellers to right here I am, stuck in the middle of a Swiss lake with you! Indeed, you can now add underwater mechanical armageddon to moldy emmental, rabid St Bernards, sudden alpine avalanches and love-starved Heidis on Switzerland’s tourism to-do list of How to Meet A Grisly End. Ooh, sweet Bern! (image via Mike Knell)

Balloon Not

Don’t Tread In Me: 10 Nifty ‘No Swimming’ Signs

Hey, it’s Take Your Giant Spider For A Walk (not a swim) Day in Okinawa, who knew? What’s that, we shouldn’t take our many-stringed balloons into the sea? Whatever, we do what we want – and we do it covered in stinging jellyfish. (image via Daniel Ramirez)

Horse Latitude

Don’t Tread In Me: 10 Nifty ‘No Swimming’ Signs

Since when do horses need permission to swim? And if they’re forbidden to do so, where’s the traditional red diagonal graphic? C’mon, Malta, you’re better than this! Wonder what they have to say about horseflies… or falcons, for that matter. (image via John Haslam)

When “Private” swimming pools just aren’t private enough… try The World’s Loneliest Abandoned Swimming Pool!