Orange Shade: 10 Totally Top-Heavy Pumpkin Trees

Autumn’s the time of year when the leaves above and the pumpkins below turn orange and… the pumpkins above and the leaves below are also orange. Wait, what?

Gourd & Plenty

Orange Shade: 10 Totally Top-Heavy Pumpkin Trees

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere, you’d think they grew on trees – and you would be correct! OK, technically correct (which is the best kind of correct) and that’s because big, heavy pumpkins need a helping hand from us humans to “branch out”, so to speak, to a whole new upper level. It’s an endeavour that demands care and caution as well, lest some stunned sightseer end up getting squashed by a squa- er, oversized orange gourd. (images at top and above via Scott McLeod)

Pimp My Pine

Orange Shade: 10 Totally Top-Heavy Pumpkin Trees

OK, we get it: Halloween and Christmas pretty much bookend the Holiday Season but that’s no reason to combine the best features of each into some bizarre franken-symbol like the quirky conical pumpkin tree above. What would compel one to conceive and create this peculiar pumpkin-spicy tannenbaum? And by “one”, we’re lookin’ at you, Jack Skellington! (image via Baerana Sabaco)

Let There Be Lotsa Lanterns

Orange Shade: 10 Totally Top-Heavy Pumpkin Trees

These days, we’re just amazed (and relieved) to see someone managed to untangle a long, long string of mini jack’o’lantern lights without reaching for a firearm. Now that they’re unwound – the lights, not the untangler – why not use them for the purpose for which they were created, even if that purpose would seem to be a trifle Xmas In October-y. That’s cool, of course, ’cause everyone loves Xmas coming earlier and earlier, year after year, right? (image via Milestone Rides)

Addams Family Tree

Orange Shade: 10 Totally Top-Heavy Pumpkin Trees

The squirrels did this… well, maybe not but kudos to whomever went nuts with the mini-pumpkins and decorated this enormous tree for Halloween! Aaand we have more questions: did the local Fire Department lend the decorators one of their extra long cat-rescuing ladders, how long did it take to individually hang each and every punkin’… and where does one even BUY dozens and dozens of the wee orange suckers? We bet the store clerk had some questions of their own. (image via Jessica)

Spooky Centerpiece

Orange Shade: 10 Totally Top-Heavy Pumpkin Trees

They say home is where the heart is… preserved in a jar of formaldehyde on the mantelpiece. Slightly less creepy is the economical pumpkin tree table topper above. Not exactly Baby’s Breath but baby pumpkins work equally well when inviting the Spirit of Autumn in to take a seat at the table. Pro tip: do NOT serve salmon mousse. (image via Brenna)

Need more black cats to warm up your Halloween? Check out Black Cat Project Lets Overlooked Cats Shine!