Butts-ted: 11 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs
These nifty passive/aggressive No Smoking signs subtly ‘filter‘ their message so nicotine junkies won’t be offended when they’re ordered to butt out.


Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Believe it or not, there was a time when doctors smoked on TV, in magazine advertisements, and even in their offices. Those times have passed, even for Timelords! Note the “It is against the law to smoke in these premises” text on the sign… can the interior of an average Police Public Call Box really be considered a “premises”? Guess they really are a lot bigger on the inside. (images via Chris Limb)

NO! Means NO!

Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Smokers can be sensitive about their legally sanctioned addiction so give this Thai shop some credit for softening the blow as best they can. The pale yellow heart helps, as does the er, unusual placement of the bright red exclamation point. Conversely, we may be misreading the sign completely if the intent was to discourage heartburn; something that often afflicts newbies to Thai cuisine. (image via petrr)

Don’t Dimension It

Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Looks like someone in the Mumbai suburb of Bandra wants to “raise” awareness of their No Smoking policy by using a “raised” sign. One might say there’s no smoking 2-D… or tomorrow, or the next day. (image via Anuradha Sengupta)

Non-Smoked Salmon

Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Hey, isn’t that Gill, leader of the Tank Gang from Finding Nemo? That dude was practically born with a coffin nail snuggled between his fish lips. The Tokyo Disney Sea park would like to keep their resident clownfish from escaping, however, so Gill and any other piscine puffers had better go hatch their salty schemes somewhere else. (image via Michael Zimmer)


Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Mess with the narwhal, you get the horn… and there’s nothing more butthurt than a beluga with a burnt blowhole. That’s why Health Canada in Cambridge Bay (aka Iqaluktuuttiaq) employed images of two arctic whale species to gently but firmly get the no-smoking message across. Just how much smoking will they tolerate up there? Nunavut! (image via Jodie Wilson)

Against The Claw

Butts-ted: 12 Creative Passive/Aggressive No Smoking Signs

Crab or get off the pot? This sign raises a number of red flags, not the least being the flush handle mounted on the RIGHT side of the tank… that’s just wrong! In any case, it just seems like a lot of effort’s been employed to support a very simple message: don’t smoke crabs in the can. (image via Nicolas Nova)

Know how other nations discourage puffing in public? Check out Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs!