Nutty By Nature: 8 Awesome PB&J Sandwiches People Actually Made

Nuttin’ beats a classic peanut butter & jelly sandwich… or does it? These 7 weird, wild and wonderful PB&J sandwiches make lunch ludicrously luscious!

PB&J Burger

Nutty By Nature: 8 Awesome PB&J Sandwiches People Actually Made

Sometimes ho-hum sandwiches need a little beefing up and this, my hunger-crazed friends, is one of those times. The so-called Killer Burger above is topped with peanut butter, pickles and bacon… let that sink in for a moment. Why’s it called a “Killer Burger”? Why not – it’s not like anyone’s gonna argue with whichever “chef” came up with this idea. (images at top via DenisenFamily and above via Francis Storr)

Layer Cake PB&J Sandwich

Nutty By Nature: 8 Awesome PB&J Sandwiches People Actually Made

There’s a fine line between sandwiches and cake… at least there USED to be. The creative concoction above blurs that line beyond redemption, not that there’s anything wrong with that. If ‘wrong” is what you’re aiming for, however, you might want to consider slathering the entire thing with chocolate cake frosting. It’s the sort of thing you’d get if kids ran the world. (image via C_Harvey)

PB & Tomato Sandwich

Nutty By Nature: 8 Awesome PB&J Sandwiches People Actually Made

Admit it: never in your wildest dreams would you have considered a sandwich made with peanut butter and sliced tomatoes. Nightmares, on the other hand, are the likely result of consuming this bizarre brunch offering for folks who HATE brunching. Know how we know this “devilishly delish” dish wasn’t a match made in heaven? Check out the view count. (image via Meal Makeover Moms)

The Elvis

Nutty By Nature: 8 Awesome PB&J Sandwiches People Actually Made

They say that 50 million Elvis fans can’t be wrong but how many of them have tried his signature sandwich? The original “Peanut Butter & ‘nanner Sandwich” was featured in the cookbook Are You Hungry Tonight?: Elvis’ Favorite Recipes, and was prepared for him calorie-countless times by Mary Jenkins, the late entertainer’s housekeeper. You’ll note that the original recipe does NOT include bacon as on the sandwich above. Of course, you’re welcome to slap on a few slices before pan-frying the thing… you know you want to! (image via David Berkowitz)

Boring meals got you singin’ the blues? Check out Food Indigo: 8 Amazing Cool Blue Foods & Drinks!