Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks

Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks
Good gourd, it’s Pumpkin Spice time again and store shelves are groaning with more pumpkin spice flavored products than you can shake a cinnamon stick at.

Pumpkin Spice Sausages

Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks

Not only are Pumpkin Spice Chicken Sausages a thing, shoppers can choose from two different brands! That said, the 5-packs offered by “Nature’s Promise” and “Nature’s Basket” rather suspiciously share the same weight, same number of calories, and the same USDA inspection number so you probably shouldn’t worry about choosing one over the other. Leave the worrying to those you serve them to. (images via Mike Mozart and Tim Evanson)

Pumpkin Spice Beer

Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks

Chill out, choosy beer-drinkers, Jack’s Pumpkin Spice Ale is a refreshingly seasonal change from boring old Bud Light and its ilk and… what’s that you say? This out-of-the-ordinary olfactory offering is a product of the omnipresent Anheuser Busch empire? Well, I guess we don’t know Jack. (image via terren in Virginia)

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn

Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks

How do you know when you’ve reached Peak Autumn? When someone brings out a bag of Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn, that’s when. Given that plenty of people are tired of pumpkin spice and even more have a serious hate-on for candy corn, we question whether this product will find acceptance in the marketplace. Er, excuse us, the Amazon guy just delivered our shipment of Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn, thoughtfully wrapped in plain brown paper like we asked. (image via Mike Mozart)

Pumpkin Spice SPAM

Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks

You only wish that Pumpkin Spice SPAM was a photoshop – nope, it actually exists! Or existED, we should say, because Hormel’s limited edition “celebration of the flavors of fall” completely sold out within hours of its official online release on September 19th of 2019. It’s not known how many people actually tried the “subtley sweet” pork bricks, rather than flipping the unopened cans on eBay or using them for office desk paperweights. (image via monstersforsale)

Pumpkin Spice Chewing Gum

Scent Season: 10 More Pumpkin Spice Foods, Snacks & Drinks

As if there aren’t enough pumpkin spice products out there, Wrigley’s has to gum up (pun intended) the works even further with a little “extra” something. Indeed, after inhaling a piping-hot venti Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, a wad of EXTRA Pumpkin Spice chewing gum will do wonders to neutralize that nasty case of pumpkin-spiced coffee breath. And by “wonders”, we mean “nothing”. Oh, and at least your floors will be clean for some reason. (image via theimpulsivebuy)

Looking for ways to spice-up your pet-owning life? Find out how Pumpkin The Raccoon Has Gone To The Dogs!