Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Not Well Done

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Sometimes a picture’s worth a thousand words; other times there are just NO words. This is one of those times because, like, who thinks it’s a good idea to hold out a treat to a toothy meat-eating animal?? Dude, you’re MADE of meat! We’ll go out on a “limb” by saying that if you’re offering a carnivore a choice between a puff of popcorn and some “hand-y” steak tartare, well, there really IS no choice, is there? (image via Julia)

The Smartest Monkeys?

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Replace the chimp on this warning sign with a human child and you’ve got something that wouldn’t look too out of place hanging in a high school hallway. Interesting, isn’t it, that junk food is demonized when it comes to zoo animals yet people (and parents) who should know better keep on nom-nom-nomming their way to obesity and diabetes… for want of a better word, “diabesity”. (image via Ian @

Hangry Hangry Hippos

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Could this sign be any more disturbing? Yeah, the stylized smiling face of that kid on the potato chip bag being fed into the monstrous, gaping maw of a ravenous hippopotamus is gonna haunt more than a few kids’ (and adults’) dreams. These most definitely were NOT the tater “tots” you were looking for. (image via Ryan)

Why Knut?

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

“AUU, were-bears of Copenhagen!” This is one example of a white bear drawn on a white background NOT being an excuse for poor or non-existent artistic skills. As for the odd “AUU” sound shown emanating from the distressed bruin, is that really the noise a sick polar bear makes? We’ll just take their word for it – captive or not, polar bears have suffered enough. (image via Jacob Bøtter)

Your Worst Night Mare

Crunch Time: 10 ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’ Zoo Signs

Leave Brittany’s ponies alone! Indeed, disobeying this sign would be foal play and a very colt move on your part. That goes for everyone, including Josef Stallion if we want to be thorough(bred). OK, enough puns, we don’t want to see you go away hoof-hearted… HOOF HEARTED? Not these ponies, at least since visitors stopped feeding them Beefarino. (image via Justin Henry)

Not one of the “jerks” these signs are meant to dissuade? Check out Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs!