Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs

When Your Hut You’re Hot

Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs

It’s said that “from tiny acorns, mighty oak trees grow” and it would appear the same goes for jerky stores. You’ve gotta start somewhere, mind you, and here’s just the place: the Jerky Hut. Gotta love those “free samples” and “low carbs” but what’s with “Chernobyl”? Perhaps that’s the next-highest spice level after Ghost Pepper. (image via justgrimes)

That’s Not Drywall

Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs

How’s the jerky at House of Jerky, you ask? Only Xzibit knows for sure. House of Jerky – located in Temecula, CA, historic Old Town – isn’t actually made of jerky but it’d be a whole lot cooler if it was. That said, the store sign advertises a meaty multi-species lineup of beef, buffalo, venison, turkey, and ostrich jerkies. Alright, alright, alright, we’ll be ordering a gross of each. (image via Jon West)

In Through The Jerky Outlet Door

Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs

Times are tough for the walk-up, drive-up, bricks & mortar retail trade but we’ve gotta give some props to The Ultimate BEEF JERKY OUTLET in Pigeon Forge, TN. According to this sign they’re the last man standing at the otherwise empty Crick Center plaza. That’ll come in handy should they need to lease extra space to store their stock of “over 200 varieties” of jerky. That’s a lot to “chews” from. (image via Joel Kramer)

Down-To-Earth Flavor

Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs

Welcome to Buck Thornton’s World Of Jerky, a term which does double-duty as a description for the timeline we’re currently living in. Located in Sedona, AZ (something of a world jerky capitol, it would seem), this Wild West-esque shop rubs shoulders with Kitty Thornton’s Sedona Tales, apparently a shop specializing in collectible dolls. Fun facts: Buck and Kitty are married – to one another – but their real names are Gary and Sheri, and the latter was Miss Nevada Universe of 1970. (image via April Pink)

Tasting Your Limits

Let’s Meat: 10 Cut & Dried Jerky Store Signs

Here we are, folks, Mighty Oak territory… and beyond! Indeed, when your sign reads Beef Jerky Unlimited, it blows right past anything originating from cattle to encompass “elk, antelope, gator, venison, and buffalo,” according to the photographer. Speaking of beef, tho’, this shop may have unlimited varieties but does Lamborghini know they copied their logo? No er- yes bull. (image via Eugene Kim)

Did the last batch of jerky you bought taste like roadkill? Check out Eclectic Avenue: 10 Weird Animal Crossing Signs!