Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs

Eyes Spy

Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs

Those who litter in Japan should be aware: a creepy fence sign is watching you desecrate… or so it would appear. Who can say whether a hidden CCTV camera actually records what goes down at this Japan Railways (JR) parking lot, or if its just a graphic psyche-out? Either way, best save that trash for the first available bin lest those eerie eyes aim their accusing gaze in your direction. (image via Flickr member Michelle Lai Lai)

Trash Fascist

Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs

Well, we did “not-see” this coming. Someone left a slightly over-the-top and likely handmade anti-littering sign taped to a trashcan at the 2010 Rally for Sanity at LA’s MacArthur Park. Good thing someone didn’t leave any cakes out in the rain, but we digress. The point is, littering is er, nasty so don’t be a patsy. (image via Flickr member Al Pavangkanan)


Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs

Smokers are some of the most prolific litterers around, because who wants to carry around a smelly, ashy, possibly-still-smoldering cigarette butt in their pocket or pocketbook? Even the act of bringing those coffin nail stubs to the nearest trash bin seems to be too taxing for these wheezin’ geezers. It’s so much easier to simply flick that butt… but don’t try that in Brunswick County, NC, where such things are frowned upon. In fact, DO refrain from flicking butts wherever you are, even if you don’t smoke. Not only is it just common courtesy, it could also keep you from being slapped. (image via Flickr member Lee Quillen)

Bungled in the Jungle

Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs

Rainforests are the lungs of our planet so be a good global citizen and help Mother Nature breathe easier. This sign advising people to avoid trashing the jungle makes perfect sense, regardless if the jungle is in primeval sub-Saharan Africa, the humid depths of the Amazon basin, or… in Woburn, England? Hey, think global and act local, amiright? (image via Flickr member Dave Crosby)

EM Mess

Trashcan’t: 10 More Creative International No-Littering Signs

OK, we’re not really sure what’s going on with this sign but just to be sure, don’t even think about littering here or you might find yourself taking a one-way ride in a funnel-web spider infested Australian ambulance. The latter, by the way, might be a ute and if you don’t know what that is, go and ask your cousin Vinny. (image via Flickr member Michael Coghlan)

Want to know what’s more fun than a barrel of Manx’s? Check out Kit’n Barrel: Recycled Wine Barrel Cat Beds!