Postmaster Lash
The key to Wands for Wildlife’s success was a request for donations along with simple instructions on how to prepare used mascara wands for recycling. (Quick tip: washing with warm water usually does the trick!) As word of Savannah’s post spread, donations began to pour in from around the world. The response was almost overwhelming… Skyland’s postmaster had never seen anything like it!
Putting The “Care” In Mascara
“The response to a simple request for mascara wands has been astounding,” stated Kimberly Brewster. “I honestly have trouble wearing mascara now – the outpouring of compassion and support brings tears to my eyes almost daily as I read messages, notes and comments from people all over the world who care about animals, the environment and just want to help. The world is full of good people wanting to do some good!”
Want to be one of those good people? The first step is just a click away, courtesy of The Appalachian Wildlife Refuge online at their website, Facebook, and Instagram. (via AWR and Models Supporting Animals)
Did you know other health & beauty products can be recycled? Check out Bar None: Clean The World Recycles Hotel Soap!