Fission Expedition: Uranium Glass Was Once A Thing

Energized Bunny

Fission Expedition: Uranium Glass Was Once A Thing

Fission Expedition: Uranium Glass Was Once A Thing

Talk about hare-raising: this uranium glass rabbit figurine displays an abundance of old-fashioned charm and gentility… until the black lights come on. Flickr member muzina-shanghai shone the light on their uranium glass rabbit figurine above. Ain’t it cute? Sure it is… just like the vicious Rabbit of Caerbannog from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Rays In Da Bar

Fission Expedition: Uranium Glass Was Once A Thing

Fission Expedition: Uranium Glass Was Once A Thing

Fission Expedition: Uranium Glass Was Once A Thing

Collecting uranium glass is a popular hobby these days and can be quite lucrative as well due to the age and rarity of some pieces. Perhaps it’s not a good idea to store too many examples in a single location, however, as you never want to have a… critical mass. Kudos to Flickr members Kurt Wagner, the1pony, and Thomas Hart (KN6KS) for displaying their extensive collections of exotic atomic glassware online for the rest of us to safely view.

All images in this article have been graciously made available by the individually-attributed photographers under a Creative Commons international license.