When it comes to meatless beef, green is the new red and Netherlands-based Vivera is the first firm to bring 100% plant-based steaks to your grocer’s shelves.
Where’s the… Meat?
It’s a modern human conundrum: we love our red meats but get squeamish when it comes to considering where (and from whom) they actually originate. What to do? Vivera thinks their solution will allow you to have your steak and eat it too – guilt-free. The Netherlands-based food firm states it’s the first company in the world to bring 100% plant-based steaks to market.
Claim Your Steak
British supermarket chain Tesco is leading the way to a bloodless beef future by stocking their shelves with Vivera’s 100% plant-based Veggie Steaks effective May 21st of 2018. Keeping the shelves stocked – assuming the product finds favor with shoppers – won’t be an issue as Vivera’s production lines are already running with current production spitting out over 1 million “meat replacements” of all types each week.
Holy Cow!
Vivera expresses a high level of optimism when it comes to their new meatless steaks and plans are afoot to produce several million individual Veggie Steaks this year. Founded in 1990 and already one of the three largest meat-free meal manufacturers in Europe, the company foresees strong and growing international demand for plant-based “meat” food products.