Product Pedaling: Green Cola’s Cool Bike Trailer

Product Pedaling: Green Cola’s Cool Bike Trailer

Cargo bikes aren’t exactly a new thing – we recently profiled UPS’s efforts to green-up their urban package delivery service with a fleet of dedicated cargo bikes. The concept is ideal for large European cities like London where aging infrastructure can’t keep up with an ever-increasing volume of traffic. City authorities are attempting to discourage car and truck traffic by applying congestion charges and fees for for higher emissions vehicles. The Green Cola trailer dodges those charges and fees as nimbly as a monocle-wearing pedestrian on his way for afternoon tea at a Gentlemen’s Club.

Product Pedaling: Green Cola’s Cool Bike Trailer

Product Pedaling: Green Cola’s Cool Bike Trailer

“Cycle trailers help slash the air pollution, noise and danger caused by lorries on city streets,” explains Yannick Read, “so when Green Cola said they wanted a cleaner version of the famous Coke gas-guzzling Christmas truck, I jumped at the chance.” And as everyone knows, red means STOP while green means GO.

Product Pedaling: Green Cola’s Cool Bike Trailer

Product Pedaling: Green Cola’s Cool Bike Trailer

“With regards to the trailer’s size,” adds Read, “I have searched the internet for anything bigger and can’t find anything. There is no existing Guinness World Record either.” Perhaps the Guinness people are working up a beer delivery bike & trailer combo of their own, and don’t want to give up the glory to an upstart. All’s fair in love, war and beverage delivery, or so they say!